Imagine Global Aquaponics Vision of the Future
IGA is poised to be a leader in the global aquaponics market by becoming renowned in the USA for its ability to market and deliver the finest systems in the industry, as well as providing the how-to educational component for sharing and mastering the technology.
IGA’s complete vision is to have a profound impact on global hunger by
bringing aquaponics systems to underprivileged communities around the world.
bringing aquaponics systems to underprivileged communities around the world.

Consumers are demanding more from organic food products; they are increasingly looking at ethical sourcing, traceability, the carbon footprint, sustainability and corporate social responsibility when making their food buying decisions.
According to Organic Monitor estimates, global organic sales reached $54.9 billion in 2009 up from, $50.9 billion in 2008. The countries with the largest markets are the United States, Germany and France. The highest per capita consumption is in Denmark, Switzerland and Austria.
In summary, as consumers demand more from organic food products and the companies which produce and distribute them, IGA plans on addressing their needs by creating the aquaponics systems needed to bring abundant, nutritious, chemical-free food to the global marketplace.