Empowering individuals and communities to become self-sustaining
through proven technologies and methodologies.
through proven technologies and methodologies.

The Vision of Community Eco Living (CEL™) is to create a premier, news, educational and sharing platform for “thriving” eco-community models which will bring society back in balance with the planet.
The collective intelligence and contribution from individuals and communities within CEL and the other outstanding organizations is the heart and soul of the process. The guiding principles (its inspiration) and network of communities (its greatest asset) provide a strong foundation for successful collaborations and continued expansion.
CEL™‘s founders, conducted the initial research to identify advanced agricultural and aquacultural methods and energy saving technologies which together, would revolutionize eco-communities and businesses globally.
Among the many individuals and companies in these new industries, only a few will meet CEL™’s criteria. CEL™’s selections are based on viability, affordability, community integration, replicability, and high-efficiency; supporting entrepreneurs and non-profit organizations in urban, suburban, and rural community settings.
As a legal matter, CEL™ is organized under section 501(c)(3) of the Unites States Internal Revenue Code (IRC).